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BackEmployee Spotlight – Nick McIntyre

In charge of overseeing all things production and construction, Nick McIntyre brings his creativity and organization skills to keep our team on task and our projects on time.

Recently, we connected with Nick to learn more about him. Check out our conversation below.

Tell us about your current role with Wineteer Construction.
Moving into the new year Craig Crook and I will be the new owners of Wineteer Construction.  We will be supported by an outstanding in-house workforce and our founder Mike Dodd. My customer-facing roles are design, sales and all pre-construction activities. I truly enjoy learning about my clients and their wants, needs, aspirations, dislikes and overall way they function… or would like to function in their new environments. I love coming up with original designs that solve my clients’ problems while delivering the WOW they expect. We remodel for all stages of life… couples, kids, parties, visiting parents, and grandparents.

What is your favorite part of being part of the Wineteer team? 
I enjoy the energy, excitement, and assured peace of mind clients exhibit as we build stylized spaces and solve impossible challenges they were not able to overcome before they found us. 

What motivates you about your focus with Wineteer?
Remodel for Life is a phrase I use a lot.  I want to build aesthetically pleasing and functionally designed spaces that span the test of time while adapting to the ever-changing needs of growing families. 

What surprises you about your work at Wineteer?
You don’t know what you don’t know is the way I feel most of us are when the remodeling bug bites.  Clients are often surprised by how deep our portfolio is and how many tools we have in our tool belt for various design challenges. It takes time to show a new client how we can help them navigate a path of unseen snares with grace and ease. 

Do you have any favorite projects completed by Wineteer that come to mind? Why are they your favorite?
I really enjoyed incorporating the masculine grand nature of a 1918 stone framed house with elegant refined ribbon mahogany stained glass entrances into a modern fully functionally entertaining kitchen while looking like it could have, as we say it, “grown with the original house”. It was like bringing the charm of the past to the future.  

Who, or what inspires you? 
People who do the impossible and are humble. Architects and engineers that create what others cannot. Those who create! 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
I like to think of myself as very efficient and hardworking. Years into my adult life I was doing just that, working super hard and being what I thought was very efficient. I was telling my dad about it when he said if you want to find the most efficient way to do something right, find a smart conscience-driven person who is lazy by nature. You will get the best everytime… Thanks Dad! I admit, I’ve pondered this over and over!

What is your favorite quote?
“Life is not fair. A fair is where kids ride rides and eat cotton candy! Strive to overcome your circumstances. A smile and a polite gesture go a long way.”

Nick, we are so grateful for your guidance both in business and project direction.

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