BackTips for an Effective and Efficient Spring Cleaning
Spring’s in full effect, and for many, it is the best time to organize the home by disposing of old items, storing unused things and even remodeling spaces!
Whatever your spring cleaning situation may be, consider the following:
Prioritize Your Organization Needs Making a list of the items and rooms that need to be organized is an excellent way to begin your spring cleaning process. Not only will you have a visual of what needs to be done, but you also will have an opportunity to prioritize the order of the tasks.
Set a Timeline After developing a list of tasks and spring cleaning needs, setting a timeline of when to update each space is a good idea not only to keep you on track but also give you breaks and a chance to assess your work as you go.
Divide and Conquer When tackling spring cleaning, ensure “cleaning” is part of the process, and do so by going room by room. Check out the tips below to help you stay on track and be efficient:
Entrances and Entryways
Ensure any plants and flowers in your home’s entrance are watered and trimmed. Remove any dead flowers and replace them with some that are appropriate for the season.
Store any winter shoes and coats from the entryway, and make space for lighter jackets and warm-weather shoes.
If you don’t have it already, add storage options to keep your belongings when you come home. This may include baskets, drawers and hooks.
Living Room and Office
Repair any damaged furniture pieces around the living room and house. For some of these items, replacement might be a better option.
Update the room’s storage capabilities. A great way to upgrade the space while doing this is using built-in bookshelves or cabinets.
Look through your cabinets’ content and dispose of broken utensils and outdated pantry items. Also, get rid of any cooking tools that you don’t use often.
Rearrange the items you use often to be closer to the front; this can take place both with cooking and serving tools as well as pantry items.
As you are organizing and cleaning the different spaces in your kitchen, if you find borrowed items, this is a perfect time to return them to their respective owner.
Sort through your clothes and set aside different piles: give away, keep and store. Only put away what you are keeping and give away the rest.
Remove any junk that doesn’t belong in your bedroom.
Repair or update any storage spaces to ensure you make the best use of your storage room.
If the space is available, look under the bed. Underbed storage boxes can be helpful with removing clutter from a room, especially when you store items that you don’t use often.
Bathrooms and Laundry
Sort through the bath and beauty products and get rid of everything you do not use. Remember to recycle empty containers when possible.
Keep the products you use daily neatly arranged in a bin.
Look for any other products that may be sitting in the back of the cabinets and get rid of them.
Ditch any laundry products you don’t like and recycle empty containers.
Align the laundry product containers on a tray or in a bin. This helps the space look clean and organized as well as provides easy access to detergent and other items.
Keep only the best sets of sheets and towels and get rid of the rest.
Remodel While organizing and cleaning can bring more room and better vibes to the spaces in your home, sometimes completely updating a space is the way to go. When you are ready to get started on a home remodeling project, our experts at Wineteer Construction will be there for you.