It is hard to believe that we are halfway into the first month of the New Year! Last year, our team provided insight to KC Live viewers on remodeling tips and trends. If you missed a show, or just couldn’t get enough, check out the highlights and links below: The Heart of the Home…2017 Kitchen Trends In January, Nick discussed... Read More
The year is coming to a close, and 2018 is fast approaching. Do you have plans for the holiday yet? Consider ringing in the New Year with friends and family and the perfect toast, compliments of a newly remodeled wine cellar. With many purposes, styles and trends surrounding wine cellars, you can plan your New Year’s festivities accordingly. Showcase the... Read More
Hosting holiday gatherings should be a time of joy and celebration, focused on spending quality time with your guests and not on cleaning, organizing or worrying about meal preparations. Remodeling your kitchen with a walk-in pantry is a great way to ensure your gatherings focus on the important things this holiday season. According to a recent U.S. Houzz Kitchen Trends... Read More
President and CEO Mike Dodd recently invited KC Live Co-Host Joel Nichols into his kitchen to discuss remodeling goals, the process of selecting appliances and cabinetry and updates to appliance design and technology. Read the key discussion points below, or watch the full segment here » It’s a well-known fact that families often end up gathering in the kitchen during... Read More
We hope you are enjoying the holiday season in your home with friends, family and other guests! December will bring even more traffic through your home with multiple occasions to gather and celebrate. Are there projects you have in mind that would help you obtain your dream home during these festivities? What does your dream home look like? A 2017... Read More
Thanksgiving is a time to surround yourself with loved ones while sharing your appreciation for the many blessings and opportunities that have come from the past year. To ensure your Thanksgiving starts with the heart and offers a warm, welcoming holiday gathering for friends, family and others, take these tips into account: Focus on the big picture. Let go of... Read More
Happy Halloween! Some might agree that Halloween is the kick-starter to the holiday season, with a lot of traffic in and around the home and homemade goodies overflowing the kitchen! If you’re the chef of the household, or even the sous chef that just likes to pick at the food being made, then you understand the importance of an open... Read More
We’ve already learned from the 2017 Hanley Wood Cost v. Value Report that kitchen remodeling is worth your investment, with about 65 percent of the costs recouped. Even still, you might have hesitations on starting a project for various reasons. We want to take a moment to relieve those hesitations for you and help you create the kitchen you’ve always... Read More
The appliances are officially installed, and we are closer to the completion of our major kitchen remodel in Brookside! Check out the photos below to see how this project is coming together! Roth Living, a company devoted to delivering innovative, luxury appliances to homeowners, allowed our clients to choose between a wide array of appliances. Learn more about Roth Living... Read More